速報APP / 藝術與設計 / Reception Tent Design Ideas

Reception Tent Design Ideas





版本需求:Android 2.3 以上版本



Reception Tent Design Ideas(圖1)-速報App

When you and your partner decide to get married at home for several reasons, the wedding tent is one of the elements that is absolutely prepared. Although there are also tents installed inside the reception building, what is the meaning of a wedding in the yard if without a tent? This important element must be there to protect guests from the heat and rain.

Surely there is a challenge when deciding to hold a wedding at home and use a tent. Moreover, you have to get around how to make the wedding tent rainproof and not make the floor muddy. You don't need to worry too much, you can apply the following strategies.

Reception Tent Design Ideas(圖2)-速報App

Reception Tent Design Ideas(圖3)-速報App

Reception Tent Design Ideas(圖4)-速報App